Casa Contracts provides an environmentally sound, complete, and accountable office clearance solution for all office furniture and effects. Our emphasis is to achieve maximum efficient sustainability for our clients and consequently reduce the waste output and carbon footprint of an organisation.
Businesses in the UK are under increasing pressure, both economically and socially, to reduce the impact their daily activities have on the environment. Corporate Social Responsibility has now become a real issue and simply passing on the burden to good causes can be fraught with legislative and ethical pitfalls.
Our aim is to provide clients with the best possible solution for their disposal needs, as we have the experience and expertise to manage all clearance requirements, as well as having key strategic partnerships with retailers, recyclers, and waste experts to guarantee a zero-landfill policy.
Who we are
Casa Contracts & Clear Environment (Office Clearance) Ltd is an Environment Agency registered Waste Broker (Waste Brokers License: EAN/965825/B), specialising in the office clearance market. The directors and company environmental specialists have over ten years of direct experience in providing sustainable disposal services to many clients in the private and public sectors and are exceptionally well placed to deliver the necessary service to complete any project or contract.

Audit & Compliance
All sustainable and environmentally correct disposal methods must comply with the relevant regulations including the following: –
- Disposal of waste in accordance with the requirements of Sections 33 and 34 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations 1991 (general office waste and furniture disposal and associated liabilities)
- Disposal of other waste, including hazardous and electrical, is subject to the requirements of the Special Waste Regulations 1996 and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE Directive) 2006
- Removal and transport of controlled waste by approved carriers registered under the Controlled Waste (Carriers and Seizure) Regulations 1991
- Transfer of legal responsibility under the Consumer Protection Act 1987 (sale of Secondhand furniture and associated liabilities)
- Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 As a Waste Broker, Casa Contract is required to complete and log all Waste
Transfer Notes as part of our Duty of Care requirements and reports all movements to the client as well as the Environment Agency if requested. The company is also a founding stakeholder on the London Waste and Recycling Board.

What we do
Clear Environment has developed a network of partnerships so that we can manage and fulfill all office clearance and disposal requirements following our own clear set of guidelines and procedures……
Furniture Re-use
- Explore any available benefit from direct re-use within the organisation or donation to a charity or good cause
- This route maximises re-use, the ideal form of recycling and therefore should be pursued where possible
- This will only be recommended if it meets core Corporate Social
Responsibility values rather than just passing the problem further down the supply chain - Care should be taken to establish that the recipients dispose of their old products correctly and any potential product liability issues are mitigated – Casa Contract can take full responsibility for monitoring this to a satisfactory conclusion
- Overseas donations have been arranged in the past to African and Eastern European charitable organisations, however, all care must be taken to establish the creditability of these avenues, as there are distinct financial and legal pitfalls to be avoided
- Although ethically beneficial, donations inevitably incur transport and administration costs, which can rarely be recovered from the recipients and would therefore normally be charged to the contract

Furniture re-sale
- Casa Contract work in partnership with an excellent network of commercial furniture re-sellers who are fully aware of current market conditions and trends
- In this unregulated market, it is imperative that goods are sold only to legitimate businesses to ensure a suitable and concise audit trail can be provided.
- Using ISO principles and good business practice, Casa Contract has audited all sub-contract partners to ensure that all parties comply with financial and legal requirements – all outlets have agreed and signed a commitment to adhere to Casa Contract Health and Safety, Environmental, and Performance policies (copies available on request)
- This level of integrity is necessary to ensure that all parties involved and ultimately, the client are not exposed to the risk of financial, environmental, or legal irregularities by other parties further along the supply chain.

Furniture Recycle
- The current market conditions have led to a dramatic and welcome increase in recycling
- As Land Fill Tax increases almost exponentially and more recycling facilities come on stream, it is now almost as cost-effective to recycle effects correctly rather than simply sending waste to landfill via unregulated or unlicensed carriers
- From the Environmental, Legal Corporate, and Social Responsibility perspective, recycling products correctly should be the only option explored. Casa Contract will expertly separate the constituent parts of furniture, consolidate, and efficiently remove them to the appropriate specialist-approved recycling facility:
- All salvageable metals will be sent to a metal recycling facility for re-use as raw material
- Plastics will be sent to a plastic re-processor for chipping and re-use
- Laminates, Melamine, and chipboard will be sent to a specialist re-processor where they are shredded and converted into biomass for power generation
- Paper waste, stationary, and other waste will be collected, sorted, and consolidated for correct treatment or distribution All electrical items will be separated and removed to a specialist WEEE processor

Waste of Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
Government regulations highlight the correct processes and procedures to ensure all WEEE is treated in the correct manner. Our specialist partners are registered with the relevant bodies to ensure compliance and can provide secure destruction certificates as well as the obligatory recycle documentation.
Refuse – General Waste
- The remaining residual elements are not suitable for re-use or recycling will be sent to a registered Waste Transfer Station for further manipulation – this avenue of disposal will account for a small percentage (estimated at less than 10%) of the overall project
- Clear Environment will not deliver any effects to landfill sites
- Full documentation will be provided to certify the volume of the furniture disposed of and the percentages for each component part that has been recycled and re-used
- These results will also be verified through our existing audit process and will encompass all Duty of Care requirements – recent examples can be provided

Health and Safety Security
Casa Contract will ensure all Health and Safety requirements are met,
including provision and compliance with Project Method Statements and
Risk Assessments
All operatives will have completed Manual Handling training and will be
experienced in furniture dismantling and removal
A security regime will be implemented to comply with the project requirements most staff having already completed standard basic security checks for Government bodies
A site manager is appointed to ensure the smooth and correct delivery of
each clearance phase